With forty-four newly commissioned articles from an international cast of leading scholars, The Companion to Literature and Science traces the network of connections among literature, science, technology, mathematics, and medicine.
A new Matt Scudder novel from the author of the Edgar Award-winning A Dance at the Slaughterhouse. Despite the payment of a hefty ransom, the kidnapped wife of a Brooklyn heroin wholesaler is viciously murdered. Scudder goes after the killers, because in his mind even drug dealers deserve justice.
It is only within the last few years that the importance of folk-lore, the popular legends, tales, drolls, and extravagances which have been handed down from generation to generation among the labourers, peasants and youth of a nation, has been frankly recognised.
Robert's intriguing biography of the legendary Dragon Lady of Pern provides a fascinating overview of Anne McCaffrey's life along with some keen insights into how her career developed. A trail blazer, McCaffrey, now 81, says she "put romance in science fiction." Roberts counts her among authors such as Ursula K. LeGuin and Joanna Russ who helped change the face of a once male-dominated genre.
The beleaguered Tamul Emperor Sarabian needs his Elenian neighbours Sparhawk and Queen Ehlana if he is to defeat the vast conspiracy ranged against his ancient power. Most disturbing of all among his enemies are the Shining Ones, luminous beings that kill with a touch.