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Introduction to Old English

Introduction to Old EnglishIntroduction to Old English

Featuring numerous updates and additional anthology selections, the 3rd edition of Introduction to Old English confirms its reputation as a leading text designed to help students engage with Old English literature for the first time. 


Concise History of Twentieth-Century British Literature
Concise History of Twentieth-Century British LiteratureIn The Routledge Concise History of Twentieth-Century British Literature Ashley Dawson identifies the key British writers and texts, shaped by era-defining cultural and historical events and movements from the period. He provides: Analysis of works by a diverse range of influential authors Examination of the cultural and literary impact of crucial historical, social, political and cultural events Discussion of Britain’s imperial status in the century and the diversification of the nation through Black and Asian British Literature
Handbook of English Language Studies
Handbook of English Language StudiesThe Routledge Handbook of English Language Studies provides a comprehensive overview of English Language Studies. The book takes a three-pronged approach to examine what constitutes the phenomenon of the English language; why and in what contexts it is an important subject to study; and what the chief methodologies are that are used to study it.
Refining Composition Skills: Academic Writing and Grammar
Refining Composition Skills: Academic Writing and GrammarThe new edition of this best-selling series combines comprehensive development and practice in the rhetorical modes while integrating instruction in reading, grammar, critical thinking, and vocabulary development. -Developing Composition Skills focuses students on narrating, describing, analyzing, comparing and contrasting, classifying, and evaluating at the paragraph level and offers a complete introduction that bridges the gap between the paragraph and the essay level. 
Culture and Literature in the EFL Classroom: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
Culture and Literature in the EFL Classroom: Bridging the Gap between Theory and PracticeIn the context of foreign language education, the importance of cultural and literary studies has grown continuously in our globalising world. Language educators and researchers are looking into ways in which inter- and transcultural awareness and competence can be developed so that learners become responsible global citizens. This volume invites the reader to engage in critical thinking while reflecting upon important theoretical concepts and their application in practice. 