A comprehensive guide that contains plenty of suggestions and information to successfully guide students through their learning process, such as:
1. Daily plans with a step-by-step description on how to guide students to perform each of the activities included in their books
2. Answer key provided in a reproduction of the Activity Book and in the Activity Book Answer Key section at the end of the guide
3. Suggestions per lesson and per unit on how to work with the Reader’s Book
4. An evaluation tool per unit that totally corresponds to the aspects to be assessed
5. An introduction of the program which explains the methodology to be used and how the components are linked to create appropriate environments to perform social practices of the language
6. A scope and sequence section which gives you an overall view of each of the units
7. A pronunciation guide to help you practice phonetics with your students
8. A list of useful expressions in the classroom to provide your students with vocabulary that make them feel confi dent
9. Audio scripts of all the audios used in the program
10. Ten worksheets to sum up the contents of each unit