The Cambridge handbook of personality psychology
Published by: vredina22062 (Karma: 5.35) on 1 May 2012 | Views: 1069 |

Part I. Foundation Issues 1 1. Conceptual issues in personality theory SUSAN CLONINGER 3 2. Personality psychology of situations SETH A. WAGERMAN AND DAVID C. FUNDER 27 3. Personality: traits and situations JENS B. ASENDORPF 43 4. Personality and emotion RAINER REISENZEIN AND HANNELORE WEBER 54 5. The characterization of persons: some fundamental conceptual issues JAMES T. LAMIELL 72 Part II. Personality Description and Measurement 87 6. The trait approach to personality IAN J . DEARY 89 7. Methods of personality assessment GREGORY J . BOYLE AND EDWARD HELMES 110 8. Structural models of personality BOELE DE RAAD 127
9. The Five-Factor Model of personality traits: consensus and controversy ROBERT R. MCCRAE 148 10. Personality and intelligence PHILLIP L. ACKERMAN 162 Part III. Development, Health and Personality Change 175 11. Childhood temperament MARY K. ROTHBART, BRAD E. SHEESE AND ELISABETH D. CONRADT 177 12. The development of personality across the lifespan M. BRENT DONNELLAN AND RICHARD W. ROBINS 191 13 Models of personality and health MARKO ELOVAINIO AND MIKA KIVIMÄKI 205 14. Attachment theory: I. Motivational, individual-differences and structural aspects PHILLIP R. SHAVER AND MARIO MIKULINCER 228 15. Attachment theory: II. Developmental, psychodynamic and optimal-functioning aspects MARIO MIKULINCER AND PHILLIP R. SHAVER 247 Part IV. Biological Perspectives 263 16. Evolutionary theories of personality AURELIO JOSÉ FIGUEREDO, PAUL GLADDEN, GENEVA VÁSQUEZ, PEDRO SOFIO ABRIL WOLF AND DANIEL NELSON JONES 265 17. Animal models of personality and cross-species comparisons SAMUEL D. GOSLING AND B. AUSTIN HARLEY 275 18. Behavioural genetics: from variance to DNA MARCUS R. MUNAFÒ 287 19. Neuroimaging of personality TURHAN CANLI 305 20. Personality neuroscience: explaining individual differences in affect, behaviour and cognition COLIN G. DEYOUNG AND JEREMY R. GRAY 323
21. The Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of Personality PHILIP J . CORR 347 Part V. Cognitive Perspectives 377 22. Semantic and linguistic aspects of personality GERARD SAUCIER 379 23. Personality and performance: cognitive processes and models GERALD MATTHEWS 400 24. Self-regulation and control in personality functioning CHARLES S. CARVER AND MICHAEL F. SCHEIER 427 25. Self-determination theory: a consideration of human motivational universals EDWARD L. DECI AND RICHARD M. RYAN 441 26. Traits and the self: toward an integration MICHAEL D. ROBINSON AND CONSTANTINE SEDIKIDES 457 27. Personality as a cognitive-affective processing system RONALD E. SMITH AND YUICHI SHODA 473 Part VI. Social and Cultural Processes 489 28. The storied construction of personality AVRIL THORNE AND VICKIE NAM 491 29. Personality and social relations LAURI A. JENSEN-CAMPBELL, JENNIFER M. KNACK AND MADELINE REX-LEAR 506 30. Personality and social support processes RHONDA SWICKERT 524 31. Social pain and hurt feelings GEOFF MACDONALD 541 32. Personality in cross-cultural perspective JURIS G. DRAGUNS 556 33. Culture and personality ROBERT HOGAN AND MICHAEL HARRIS BOND 577 34. Personality and politics GIANVITTORIO CAPRARA AND MICHELE VECCHIONE 589
Part VII. Psychopathology 609 35. Mood and anxiety disorders: the hierarchical structure of personality and psychopathology DAVID D. VACHON AND R. MICHAEL BAGBY 611 36. Personality and psychosis GORDON CLARIDGE 631 37. Diagnosis and assessment of disorders of personality STEPHANIE N. MULLINS-SWEATT AND THOMAS A. WIDIGER 649 38. Psychopathy and its measurement ROBERT D. HARE AND CRAIG S. NEUMANN 660 39. Personality and eating disorders NATALIE J . LOXTON AND SHARON DAWE 687 40. Personality and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder RAPSON GOMEZ 704 Part VIII. Applied Personality Psychology 717 41. Personality in school psychology MOSHE ZEIDNER 719 42. Personality in educational psychology MOSHE ZEIDNER 733 43. Personality at work GILES ST J . BURCH AND NEIL ANDERSON 748 44. Workplace safety and personality ALICE F. STUHLMACHER, ANDREA L. BRIGGS AND DOUGLAS F. CELLAR 764 45. Personality and crime DAVID CANTER AND DONNA YOUNGS 780 46. Treatment of personality disorders FIONA WARREN 799 Index 820 Dear User, your publication has been rejected because WE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS SORT OF MATERIALS at englishtips.org. Please see our rules here: http://englishtips.org/rules_for_publishing.html. Thank you
Tags: psychology, personality, research, scientific, Cambridge, handbook |