The Baby Babble video delights children by exposing them to early developing sounds and words that lay the groundwork for future communication. The simple sign language incorporated into Baby Babble provides children who know what they want to say with a bridge for communication until they acquire the skills for spoken language. Captivating facial exercises appeal to children by fostering sound play, encouraging imitation, and developing muscle coordination for sound and feeding development. Sounds and Words: Speech-language pathologists hand-selected the sounds and words in the Baby Babble video. Each sound and word is developmentally age-appropriate. Children love to imitate the sounds and words because they are fun to say! Speech-language pathologists use sounds and voices that grab children’s attention. Baby Babble encourages children to participate in the video by talking along.
Sing Language: Children are exposed to ten common signs throughout the Baby Babble video while a sign language tutorial is included at the end of the video so that parents can quickly learn the signs and use them at home. Sign language not only stimulates multiple parts of the brain, but it also bridges the gap of communication. It offers a way for children to express their wants even if they do not yet have the ability to speak. This significantly cuts down on the frustration levels of both parents and children. Research has shown that babies who use symbolic gestures, or signs, have larger vocabularies, understand more words, and engage in more sophisticated play than non-signing babies. Parents are often concerned that their children won't learn to talk if they are taught sign language. On the contrary, research suggests that their first spoken words are usually words they had learned to sign. Simple sign language promotes talking. As children learn to speak more words, their use of signs fades away. Facial Exercises: Facial exercises, or oral motor exercises, are important for developing muscle strength and coordination. Some facial exercises used in the video also include vocalizations to promote vocal play. Children begin learning how to talk through vocal play. Vocal play is making noises while playing. Children learn to make sounds, vary pitch, and gain attention with these vocalizations.
Беби Бабл помогает детям рано познакомиться со звуками и словами, которые закладывают основу для будущего общения. Каждый звук и слово связаны с развитием соответствующим возрасту. Дети любят подражать звукам и словам, потому что их интересно говорят! Звуки и голоса привлекают внимание детей и призывают их к участию. Язык жестов не только стимулирует несколько частей мозга, но и устраняет разрыв связи. Он предлагает путь для детей, чтобы выразить свои желания, даже если они еще не умеют говорить. Увлекательные лицевые упражнения обращения с детьми, поощряют подражание, и развивают мышечную координацию для звуков. Звуки произносятся во время игры.