This updated edition of "The Thinking Child" looks at how children learn before applying the findings, and statutory frameworks, to best practice in the classroom. The book relates the most current literature, research and guidance on how children learn best, and offers practical advice on how to reflect these findings in the classroom. This edition includes new material on: inclusion and personalisation - celebrating diversity and difference in schools with reference to SEAL, collaborative working - in the context of children's centres, extended schools and neighbourhood nurseries, and foreign languages - with reference to English as an additional language (EAL) and foreign language learning. It creates a greater emphasis on: outdoor learning, fostering partnerships with parents and carers, and multiple intelligences. This edition is fully-updated with reference to the latest government initiatives, such as the new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework and the Primary Strategy for Literacy and Numeracy. The authors offer practical advice on implementing statutory requirements, maintaining a balance between child-initiated and adult-led activities and making the most of your school's resources.