Trader Library - Trader Secrets
Published by: honhungoc (Karma: 8663.28) on 27 November 2010 | Views: 1143 |

Every trader has, at some point, let emotions guide their trading - usually resulting in costly results. The most successful traders will even tell you that the discipline they were forced to embrace as a result, was the key to their future trading success. Trader Library - Trader Secrets DVD Investing with LEAPS: Choices in Long-Term Options - Bittman, James Stand the test of time in the trading arena by putting LEAPS® into work for you! Long-Term Equity AnticiPation Securities®, widely known as LEAPS®, are long-term call and put options with expirations up to three years in the future. Leading options expert and best-selling financial author James Bittman both compares and combines LEAPS® with traditional short-term options. Find out what LEAPS® are, how they work, and how to employ them. Incorporate LEAPS® into your overall investment strategy by taking advantage of the many benefits their longer timeframe and incredible versatility offer. Limitless opportunities, low-risk investments, and soaring profits await you. Get started now! Winning Methods of the Market Wizards with Jack Schwager By: Schwager, Jack The renowned "Market Wizards" author and Trader's Hall of Fame award winner presents a powerful workshop highlighting the most common traits and techniques of the super traders. This rare session can help investors of all skill levels become market masters. Whether you're an active trader, or simply want a better understanding of how to succeed in today's markets, you'll benefit from the wisdom and insight of renowned "Trader's Hall of Fame" winner, Jack Schwager. Through his best selling "Market Wizards" books, Schwager has probed the minds of the world's most respected investors, studying their personal traits and learning the secret techniques that have turned them into investment role models. Now a professional investor and successful fund manager in his own right, Schwager shares his own secrets, along with those of his prominent "interviewees," in a powerful presentation. A Complete Course in Option Trading Fundamentals with Joseph Frey (DVD) By: Frey, Joseph Options provide investors and traders with an abundance of strategy alternatives than simply going long the market. However, using options effectively requires that you learn to think in a new way. Join PHLX's Options Industry Council instructor Joe Frey as he introduces you to options strategies that allow you to participate in a sharp market move with limited risk, to take advantage of time decay in slow moving markets, how options pricing is affected by the underlying stock, and finally how to trade options with realistic expectations. An essential primer for all option traders of all levels.
note: There are 13 parts.
Is it a collection? How many titles are inside?decabristka
Tags: Trader, trading, LEAPS, future, Long-Term, Secrets, Library, their |