This Book introduces the basic concepts of Wing Chun Do in an easy to understand format. Wing Chun Do is a scientific system that encourages you to test your techniques to ensure proper results; it isn't dogmatic like many other martial arts. A big factor of the book and system is the ESP principle. That stands for Efficiency, Simplicity and Practicality. A technique must pass this ESP principle in order to remain valuable to you as a martial artist. Efficient means that it is as direct and short as possible with all unnecessary movements removed. Simple means that you can perform the technique without stretching or warming-up first, or that the technique is a fairly natural movement that the body easily assimilates. Practicality means that the technique must be effective; what good is it, if it doesn't work? That last part is important because many martial arts will tell you that their techniques are effective and expect you to take their word for it. Wing Chun Do challenges you to prove it to yourself. They give you the tools to scientifically examine a technique and evaluate it based on the ESP principle. This concept alone makes the book priceless, but there are many more goodies!
One last observation: a book is a good source of information for the brain, but defending yourself usually involves fighting and that is a physical activity to say the least. Physical activities are best learned by competent and experienced teachers. All certified WCD instructors are very competent at teaching the science of Wing Chun Do. Those who are weak or small or timid...Wing Chun Do is perfect for you. After injuring myself many times in 2 years of Judo competition, I am happy to report that 4 years of WCD study has yielded NO injuries. WCD students and teachers simply respect each other a great deal and take care to help students without injuring them.
-excerpt from Amazon
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