"The 15th edition manual is definitely worthy of Harrison's excellent reputation. The editors are clear in their purpose to provide easy-to-access, on-the-spot portable information on topics and problems routinely encountered on a hospital service." "The book is extremely well organized." "I was impressed with the quality of this manual. It is most applicable as a pocket reference for residents, interns, and medical students, who affectionately refer to it as "Baby Harrison's." "Because it has substantially more depth than several other available reference on-call manuals, I believe it is the more useful book." (Journal of the American Board of Family Practice)
"The amazing aspect of this book is that it is over 1000 pages in size and thanks to densely packed text packs a vast amount of data between it's covers" "It represents excellent value for money." (British National Formulary)
"This is an excellent condensation of the vast body of information found in the larger Harrison's " "Graphs, tables, and algorithms are used extensively, and are well placed and helpful" "It functions more as a miniature medical text..." "4 Stars" (Doody's )
Product Description: "Maximize your success on inservice and recertification exams using the HARRISON'S BOARD REVIEW. Features 800 multiple-choice questions in board format with detailed answers and references to the new 15th edition of "HARRISON'S."