Victory of Eagles brings the saga to the ultimate confrontation between Britain and Napoleon towards which it's been building for two years. Napoleon has landed on England's shores, and all bets are. There are, in fact, two wars in play in this story: the main conflict between England and France, and the internal conflict Will Laurence suffers over the consequences of his treasonous acts at the end of Empire of Ivory. Laurence still believes his choice was the moral one, but its ramifications, not merely to himself but to his country in a brutal war they could all too easily lose, weigh heavily upon him.
Separated from Laurence (who has naturally been tried for treason and condemned) and believing him dead, Temeraire is languishing in the breeding pens with all the useless nags past their prime, who have lost their captains and been put out to pasture. Temeraire cuts through their petty bickering and, with success that is perhaps a little too fast, turns these unharnessed dragons into a fighting force on their own, striking out against the French with Temeraire himself as their commander. But Laurence has survived the wreckage of the ship that was returning him across the Channel in irons…
With the entirety of its action confined to England (in contrast to the globetrotting of the previous three books),
Victory of Eagles builds its narrative with great deliberation, though the story is never lacking for solid action. For most of its length, Novik keeps the focus of the plot squarely on Laurence and Temeraire — the former weighing his feelings of guilt against his implacable notions of honor and duty, and the latter's own regret once he learns just what Laurence has lost, and his dismay at being unable to break through the defensive line of Laurence's sullen and grave demeanor. The bond between captain and dragon can never be broken, but there are some crises...