World Languages Review aims to examine the sociolinguistic situation of the world: to describe the linguistic diversity that currently characterizes humanity, to evaluate trends towards linguistic uniformity, and to establish a set of guidelines or language planning measures that favour the weaker or more endangered linguistic communities, so that anyone engaged in language planning -government officials, institution leaders, researchers, and community members- can implement these measures.
About the Author
Fиlix Martн.. Director of the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia (1984-2002) and President of the UNESCO Advisory Committee on Linguistic Pluralism and Multilingual Education (1999-2003). Paul Ortega. Former director of UNESCO Etxea-UNESCO Centre of the Basque Country. Secretary General of Pax Romana ICMICA since October 2004. Itziar Idiazabal. Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU). Andoni Barreсa. Professor at the University of Salamanca. Patxi Juaristi. Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU). Carme Junyent, Professor at the University of Barcelona. Belen Uranga. Coordinator of the survey carried out for World Languages Review. Estibaliz Amorrortu. Professor, University of Deusto
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