Study Skills for Psychology has been shaped around a typical psychology studentв€™s journey. Beginning with an overview of the nature of the degree and advice about what needs to be sorted out in the first few weeks of the course, this book tackles how to get the most from your lectures, exam preparation and project development, right through to contemplating and investigating future career options.
This highly accessible guide is designed to help you meet the challenges and reap the rewards of your degree by introducing a range of study skills and providing you with ways to practice those skills. This book should accompany you throughout your degree course as a resource that you can use whenever you need help.
Key Features:
Learning outcomes at the beginning of each chapter to highlight key areas
Text boxes throughout to reaffirm understanding
Numerous examples and illustrations
Exercises and learning aids to enable practice of important skills
A structure based around the concepts of organisation, communication and reflection that are consistent with the PDP (Personal Development Planning), providing a framework through which you can understand what and how you learn, enabling you to plan, review and take responsibility for your own learning, performance and achievements
An essential companion for any student, Study Skills for Psychology will give you the skills to enjoy your time studying for and succeeding in your Psychology degree.
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