Mobysaurus Thesaurus is a English thesaurus tool that helps you write and speak better by leading you to the right word for every purpose or occasion. The program is powered by the most recent version of Moby Thesaurus (compiled by Grady Ward), which is the large and most comprehensive English thesaurus data source available to date in the public domain. Having over 30,000 headwords (main entries), 2,500,000 synonyms and advanced search functions at your call, it's unsurprisingly that simple for you to be wise at words.
* Over 30,000 headwords and 2,500,000 synonyms * Fast and full-featured wildcard search * Hotkey support (look up words within most programs, e.g., Microsoft Word) * Cross-referencing * Fast find synonymous headwords with structural view, ideal for serious word hunters * Headword suggestion and full-text search, saves you troubles and hassles figuring out the "best" headwords * WordWeb support * Tabbed interface * Full clipboard/print support * Extra online references * Save and manage search history and favorites across sessions * Safe search * Suggest-as-you-type
This thesaurus tool will help you:
* Find the words you need to express your idea more effectively, descriptively and more interestingly * Avoid repeating the same words monotonously * Avoid clichйs (overused expressions) * Recall the word that is on the tip of your tongue * Broaden vocabulary through trying out new words