English File 2 - Student's Book, Workbook, Listen and Speak CDs
Published by: Doo (Karma: 92.71 ) on 31 October 2007 | Views: 26005
core lessons integrating all aspects of the syllabus
a wealth of optional materials
English sounds , a memorable illustrated introduction to pronunciation (Levels 1 and 2)
Travel with English key survival language lessons (Levels 1 and 2)
Word Bank active picture dictionary of 500 key words, organized into common word families (Levels 1 and 2)
Word Builder dictionary section (Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels)
further language practice (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation)
quick tests
available with or without Key
Teacher's Book
detailed lesson plans
suggestions for alternative presentations, and many extra tips and ideas
answers to all Student's Book exercises
around 60 pages of photocopiable materials, including Tests
Class Cassettes / CDs
all the listening materials for the Student's Book
Student's 'Listen and Speak' Cassettes / CDs
self-study practice of new language from each core lesson
a website for teachers and students using English File
offers a wealth of teaching resources
interactive activities
downloadable resources
teaching tips and ideas
a website for students using English File
offers activities for each level of English File
reference banks
Business Resource Books
available at elementary to upper-intermediate levels
photocopiable resources to help teachers meet the needs of working or pre-work students
real-world information and issues
speaking activities, reading tasks, and vocabulary input with a professional feel
linked to
English File , but can also be used to supplement any course
instructions for classroom and one-to-one use
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Tags: English , students , Workbook , Students , humour