WordWeb Pro Features

The fast easy-to-use program lets you:
NEW: One-click look up from almost any program, including MS Word
NEW: Tab pages to quickly check web references
NEW: Bookmark words
NEW: Highlights commonly used widely-understood words
- Find words matching a pattern
- Edit and add to the database
- Solve and find anagrams
- Copy results to the clipboard
- Cross-reference to other installed electronic dictionaries
- Search for words in a large number of optional extra word lists
- Add your own custom glossaries
- Configure for American, British, Canadian, Australian or Asian English
- Option to hide (default) or flag vulgar and offensive related words
- Reverse definition (full text) search
- Cross-links words that sound the same (homonyms)
The extensive up-to-date dictionary database features:
- Definitions and synonyms, including many compounds and proper nouns
- Word relations: find antonyms, parts or types, less specific words, etc.
- Over 126 000 synonym sets and 158 000 root words
- Search over 260 000 words, compounds and derived forms
- 70 000+ pronunciations, with pop-up hint pronunciation key
- 49 000 usage examples
- View alphabetically nearest words, suggestions for many misspellings
WordWeb Pro runs under Windows 98/2000/Me/XP and Vista. Sorry, there is no Mac, Palm or Pocket PC version. You do not need to be online to use WordWeb.
Screen shot: [the window can be re-sized as you like]

See usage information and dig out related words:

Word finding
Enter a pattern as the search word and it will find words that match, e.g.
T???SH finds
thresh and
*GRY finds
hungry and
?*Q*P finds
liquid soap,
re-equip, and
square up
Use * to stand for any number of letters, and ? for one unknown letter. You can also do powerful advanced searches for vowel/consonant patterns, punctuation specific word forms, and groups of letters, or general advanced regular expressions.
You can also search sets of additional word lists (see the ordering page for details), including place names, specialized word lists and other languages.
Enter a word and you can find all straight and multiple word anagrams, e.g.
protest finds
to strep,
pert sot, etc.
begin finds
being, binge, in beg, and
gin be
WordWeb Pro finds
powder brow + many others.
You can also find partial anagrams. How many words can you make using the letters in "constitutional"? WordWeb Pro's answer: 726!
And more ...
See further details and more screen shots.
You can see some of the dictionary content online in the online dictionary.