Changes in Site's policy regarding the rejected publications
Published by: enetips610 (Karma: 0) on 16 August 2007 | Views: 2000 |
Dear Englishtips contributors!
We really appreciate your daily publications and would like to thank you for sharing your precious collections with the world!
However, we have recently faced the situation when some users do not care searching the site before they publish something. As a result, we (myself and our Trusted Contributors) have to find these so-called 'duplicates' and delete them. This takes time. Besides, about 97%(!!!) of the users who add something are too lazy to read the RULES, and what we see in the Admin page is dozens of publications without cover images, without description, sometimes - without links.
We have decided to stop explaining why this or that publication is rejected, because explaining each contributor whether the same post has appeared already or it just does not suit the site's overall policy, or the publication was not added according the site's rules, etc. slows down the publication process immensely.
Please do not take it personally - we have dozens of repetitions and lots of useless publications. Since now we will not give any explanations.