As you may already know, on 25 November 2010 is turning FIVE years old.
Well in advance, today we're launching our traditional Birthday contest with prizes :) - we invite you to participate and win something nice. And yes - all our prizes come with Englishtips logo on them! Sweet, isn't it?!
So, all you need to do is to write a poem in English. The only requirement is that your poem should be about
Let your imagination go wild: make your poem original, cute, tragic or funny, page-long or just a few lines, painted on the wall of your house or engraved on the front doors of your university... It's important to make it stand out of the croud - and if so, your chances to win will sky-rocket!
Please add your poems in the comments below(1 submission per user, please).
We'll be announcing the winners on 25th November.
1 prize: Hooded sweatshirt with Englishtips logo
2 prize: Long-sleeved shirt with Englishtips logo
3 prize: T-shirt with Englishtips logo
Both men's and women's apparel are available, in any of the standard sizes.
Good luck!
As you may already know, on 25 November 2010 is turning FIVE years old.
Well in advance, today we're launching our traditional Birthday contest with prizes :) - we invite you to participate and win something nice. And yes - all our prizes come with Englishtips logo on them! Sweet, isn't it?!
So, all you need to do is to write a poem in English. The only requirement is that your poem should be about
Let your imagination go wild: make your poem original, cute, tragic or funny, page-long or just a few lines, painted on the wall of your house or engraved on the front doors of your university... It's important to make it stand out from the crowd - and if so, your chances to win will sky-rocket!
Please add your poems in the comments below (1 submission per user, please).
Contest Requirements:
- All entries must be poems (must rhyme!) and must have a clear connection to (and/or be about) this website:
- English is the only language for the contest entries - entries in other languages will be rejected and removed.
- The poem must be your own work not published anywhere else.
- All submissions become property of and may be used for marketing or any other purposes by the site administration.
- 1 contest entry per user
- Winning entries will be selected by Englishtips Admins (Decabristka, Pumukl, ENGLISHTIPS_admin) and announced on or after 25 Nov 2010. Winners will be notified via email and will need to provide their mailing address to receive their prizes
- First Prize: Hooded Sweatshirt with Englishtips logo
- Second Prize: T-shirt with Englishtips logo
- Third Prize: Stylish one-of-a-kind orange bag with Englishtips logo.
*all prizes will be mailed to the winners via ProstoPrint who will handle shipping. Both men's and women's apparel are available, in any of the standard sizes.

How Do I Participate?
- Simply submit your entry in the comments below. Your username will be appear next to your poem, and everyone will be able to view and adore it!
So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and create your unique poem about now!
Good luck!